
Points Breakdown

Players can score a maximum of 283 points, divided as follows:

Battle Points100
Sportsmanship Points80
Army Appearance Points80
Lonewolf Points15
Clock Points8


  • Overall Champion: Battle points + Sportsmanship points + Appearance Points + Lonewolf Points
  • Best Sportsmanship: Total Sportsmanship points
  • Best General: Total Battle points
  • Best Army: Total Appearance points
  • Players’ Choice: Most player votes

Awards will be given out for second and third places in each category. Players will be able to win only one award, so if a player wins in two categories he will be given the higher award.

Battle Points (0-100)

Every participant will be able to earn a maximum of 20 Battle points per game:

Difference in Score Points 010 Battle Each
Difference in Score Points 1-211 Win / 9 Loss
Difference in Score Points 3-412 Win / 8 Loss
Difference in Score Points 5-613 Win / 7 Loss
Difference in Score Points 7-814 Win / 6 Loss
Difference in Score Points 9-1015 Win / 5 Loss
Difference in Score Points 11-1216 Win / 4 Loss
Difference in Score Points 13-1417 Win / 3 Loss
Difference in Score Points 15-1618 Win / 2 Loss
Difference in Score Points 17-1819 Win / 1 Loss
Difference in Score Points 19+20 Win / 0 Loss

In every game played, the number of victory points scored over your opponent will determine the scale of victory. In addition to winning each game through destroying each other’s units, players will be able to score points by achieving the objectives defined in each scenario.

Soft Scores Overview

The average score of both Sportsmanship and Appearance is 64 points putting the absolute top score no more than 16 points away from the average score. 16 points is the difference between a win and a loss in battle points. This will have the effect of making the soft scores important without turning LoneWolf into a beauty or popularity contest.

Sportsmanship points (0-80)

Sportsmanship is about having a good game. It is subjective and different to everyone. However, it is easy to tell if a game was good or bad, so for LoneWolf, sportsmanship will focus on that: good game or bad. 

We assume that everyone coming to LoneWolf will be a good sport and because the average score is 56, we will give them those 56 points to start.

After each game the players will answer the question: Did your opponent’s behavior and/or army selection honestly make this a bad game for you?If someone receives a yes then they will lose some of those 58 base points.

1 bad game mark-4 points
2 bad game marks-8 points
3 bad game marks-16 points
4 bad game marks-32 points
5 bad game marksSportsmanship score of zero

These are not cumulative modifiers, though they do scale exponentially. Everyone might have one bad game, but when someone is voted as a bad game repeatedly there is a deeper issue. Under this scoring system it will cost much more to those providing their opponents with bad experiences consistently. 

No one should be worried about being dinged out of spite because this system focuses on the consensus of all of ones opponents. On the flip side, if someone gives you a bad game or has a bad army then don’t hold back and be honest about it; one bad game won’t hurt them much at all. They will have to have several bad games in order really get dinged, and if that happens, they deserve it. 

Judges will hand out a Red Card to any player who acts in an egregious manner that is unbecoming to the environment of LoneWolf. Each Red Card will act as an EXTRA bad game mark. Red cards may be handed out for terribly unsporting armies as well. 

Timing is everything within Kings of War and ensuring that you and your opponent have an even amount of time is important for everyone’s enjoyment of the game. If you offer to play a game on the clock with your opponent then you get 2 bonus points. Up to a maximum of 8. If your opponent declines you do not have to play on the clock, and you still get the points. 

At the end of the tournament everyone will vote for their best opponent. The vote will read: I certify that ______ provided me with the best game of the weekend. His attitude and army selection were outstanding. Votes cast for a member of the same Club or Gaming Group group will not contribute Sports points, but the vote will be tabulated in determining Best Sportsman as a tie breaker. As with bad game votes, the value of each best game vote goes up dramatically the more of them you get:

1 best game vote+2 point
2 best game votes+4 points
3 best game votes+7 points
4 best game votes+11 points
5 best game votes+16 points

The remaining Base Points (after bad game deductions) will be added to the Best Sport Votes to determine the total sportsmanship points.

Players who receive a 2nd best sport vote will receive 1 point per vote.

Players who receive a 3rd best sport vote will have these leveraged as tie-breakers in the sportsmanship category.

Army Composition

At LoneWolf, the composition of one’s army will be a direct reflection on their attitude towards their opponent. As such, Composition has been combined with Sportsmanship into a single score. If you had a bad game because of your opponent’s comp, mark him down for a bad game. If you had a good game regardless of your opponent’s comp, give him a good game mark regardless of how you would score his comp under a traditional system. 

Every army list will be evaluated prior to the tournament and any army deemed unbalanced and unsporting will be rejected if suggestions to curb excesses are unheeded. 

Appearance (0-80)

One judge will score every army. The appearance award is just that, it is about the appearance of your army. Technical painting is important but conversions, theme, basing and overall presentation are just as important to what makes an army look good and score well in this category. An average army that is fully painted will score somewhere between 40-55 points. Armies are scored against an objective standard and not on an arbitrary curve. Therefore it will be extremely hard for any army to score in the high 70s.

Unpainted Army0-35
Primed Army20-40
Bare Minimum Army30-50
Table Top Ready45-55
Tournament Competitive50-64
Superior Tournament Competitive60-72
Crystal Brush quality70-80
  • Unpainted: 0-35. An army with ANY models that show bare metal, plastic, or resin.
  • Primed: 20-40. An army with ANY models that show bare primer, or lack any type of basing detail.
  • Bare minimum: 30-50. Each model is painted with at least two colors, but has no/minimal highlighting.
  • Tabletop: 45-55. Each model is painted with at least three colors and has some highlighting.
  • Tournament competitive: 50-64. As above, but has several layers of highlight or well executed highlighting.
  • Superior: 60-72. As above, but features some “advanced” paint techniques and thematic decisions. This army would be at home in paint competitions.

Paint your own: Players must have painted their own army in order to be eligible to win the appearance award. This restriction does not apply to any other award. There can be a loss of Appearance points depending on how much of the army was not painted by the person playing it. 

Player’s Choice 
Player’s choice is awarded by one’s peers at the tournament. The question many folks try to answer is “What army do I want to take home with me?” This is not a painting competition per-se as technical painting and modeling is scored by the appearance judge. This is all about who you think brought the coolest toys. One player, one vote. 

Lonewolf Points (0-15)

Lonewolf points can be earned the following ways (Donations must be unopened). There are 3 ways to score Lonewolf points.

Friends of Lancaster

Name Points Possible
Charity: Friends of Lancaster
2-3+ Adult/ All Kinds items and 5-10+ Travel/ Snack items (see handout)
Donating $10+ worth of prize support5
Having a room at the Marriott venue during Lonewolf10