Naughty or Nice

Teams Tournament
December 6&7, 2025
Fort Worth, Texas 76108

Registration is Closed!
Team Registration is $75, to register either respond on the NON Facebook page, message Mark Cox, or email him.

10 out of 12 Team Slots Confirmed

Player 1Player 2Paid?

Teams Tournament Rules

  • Kings of War 3.5 Ed. Rules (KoW) will be used along with all current errata, published FAQ’s found on the Mantic web site.
  • Five Games: First round pairings will be randomly assigned prior to the event. Subsequent games will be set using a Swiss System based on Battle Points with a secondary filter (if needed).
  • Units/Miniatures do not need to be produced by any particular Miniature company.
  • Paint is not required, but every unit needs to be fully assembled with all of the appropriate pieces and properly based. Units not fully assembled are subject to removal from play by a staff member.

Armies may be no more than 1100 points, combined with your partner to make a 2200 point force.

Tournament Schedule

Friday December 13
Setup, Prep Cooking, Open Gaming 5:00 – 11:00PM

Saturday December 14
Registration/ Check In 8:00 – 8:300AM
Tournament Kickoff 8:30 – 9:00AM
Game 1 (TBD) 9:00 – 11:30AM
Lunch 11:30AM – 12:15PM
Game 2 (TBD) 12:15 – 2:45PM
Game 3 (TBD) 3:00 – 5:30PM
Dinner 5:30 – 7:00pm
White Elephant & Games 7:00pm – 11:00pm

Sunday December 15
Game 4 (TBD) 9:00 – 11:30AM
Game 5 (TBD) 11:45AM – 2:15PM
Cleanup/ Lunch 2:15 – 2:45PM
Awards 2:30 – 2:45PM

Tournament Comp Rules

  • Withdraw (-1 to hit) will be in play
  • No Allies will be allowed
  • No Formations
  • No Living Legends (Units/ Heroes)
  • No more than 2 flying units per list (Gryla counts as 1 flyer for these purposes)
  • Artifacts cannot be duplicated between the 2 armies, for example only 1 Blade of Slashing can be present.
  • Armies within 1 classification of Good/ Neutral/ Evil – will share inspiring, auras and have the ability to cast spells upon each other as though they were the same force.

    Army Lists:
  • Players will bring 1100 point lists to combined into a 2200 point force.
  • Please bring copies of your lists, since we are not collecting them prior to the event.

Special Characters

  • One of the three Christmas heroes has elected to join your cause. During the tournament you will be able to use one of these units in your army for all of your games.
  • You must use the same character for all 5 games.
  • The Mystic Inspiring/ Aura will only impact allied forces of the armies they are attached to; no other unit may benefit from their rules (including via Mindthirst)
Joulupukki SpeedMeleeRangeDefenseAttackNerve
Monster Ht 474+52D6+415/18
· Crushing (2)
· Fury
· Strider
· Nimble
· Rally 1 – Good Allies
· Mystic Inspiring (Good) – Good Allies

Thick Hide: If he moved forward this turn, give Joulupukki 2 Barkskin tokens at the end of the movement phase.

Billy Goat’s Gruff: Roll a D20 at the start of your turn, Joulupukki gains the following effects:

1Shambling and Defense 4
2 – 10Regeneration (5+) and Phalanx
11 – 18Melee 3+ and (select) Slayer or Rampage D6
19 – 20Melee 2+ and Wild Charge D3 and Big Shield and Brutal

Belsnickel SpeedMeleeRangeDefenseAttackNerve
Monster Ht 474+52D6+416/18
· Ensnare
· Crushing (1)
· TC (1)
· Headstrong
· Pathfinder
· Nimble
· Mystic Inspiring (Neutral) – Neutral Allies

Impish or Admirable? At 6 or less wounds, Belsnickel has Radiance of Life (Neutral), at 7 or more wounds he has Cloak of Death.

Belsnickel’s Switch: 14″ RA 4+, Steady Aim, Piercing 1, Wounds apply Frozen roll a D20 to determine the attack:

1Belsnickel does D3 automatic wounds to himself
2-14Resolve this number of shooting attacks, then as long as you resolved at least 1 wound;
you may select a different target and roll another D20 attacks (Max of 3 times)
15-18Resolve this number of shooting attacks
19-20Resolve this number of attacks, they also counts as Shattering and Piercing 2;
as long as a wound is dealt, push the enemy unit back D6″
Gryla SpeedMeleeRangeDefenseAttackNerve
Monster Ht 474+42D6+4-/17
· Lifeleech (3)
· Crushing (1)
· Pathfinder
· Vicious (Melee)
· Fly
· Mystic Inspiring (Evil) – Evil Allies

Dark Magicks: Blizzard (3), Drain Life (5), Hex (2), Lightning Bolt (5), Martyr’s Prayer (6), Weakness (2); Gryla may cast 2 different spells per turn, she may not target the same unit twice, her spells are rolled with Elite.

Mystic Ward: At the end of any phase that Gryla accumulates wounds, roll a D20 and apply the effects prior to nerve checks:

1The wounds taken this phase are doubled
2 – 12The wounds taken this phase are applied as normal
13 – 18The wounds taken this phase are cut in half (rounded down)
19 – 20The wounds taken this phase are ignored

Christmas Cheer

Safety First!
There will be a fair amount of alcohol readily available for players over the age of 21. By attending this event you agree to conduct yourself responsibly and to take a designated driver’s offer, schedule an uber/ lyft, or wait a sufficient amount of time to sober up rather than driving intoxicated. We want everyone to have a good time, but more importantly to make it home safe and sound!

Paint RubricPossible Points
Is the army properly based3 per player
Is the army painted with at least 3 colors3 per player
Does the army exhibit advance painting techniques3 per player
Does the army exhibit advanced basing techniques3 per player
Do the armies have modifications/conversions3 per player
Does the units in the army meat MMC (or looks full)3 per player
Do the teamed armies have a cohesive aesthetic6 combined
The Christmas Character quality and presentation6 combined
Judge Only for additional “wow” factor12